

When Home Is No Longer Safe for an Older Loved One: A Home Safety Checklist

By |June 11, 2024|Categories: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Senior Living|

If an older loved one is intent on living in their home as long as possible, but you have concerns for their safety, it’s important to know what to look for around the house. We list the areas around the house - and specific things in them - to take into account when making the decision to stay at home or move to a senior living community.

The Cognitive Changes in Older Loved Ones You Should Watch for

By |June 4, 2024|Categories: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Senior Living|

It’s normal for older adults to forget names or facts from time to time, but when it comes to signs of more serious cognitive decline including MCI (mild cognitive impairment) or Alzheimer’s disease, there are changes to look for that may indicate it’s time to talk with their physician about.

Wandering, Falls, Medication Mix-Ups and More: Warning Signs for Seniors Living at Home

By |May 14, 2024|Categories: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Senior Living|

The occasional minor incident or accident are to be expected as a loved one grows older, but when they wander, fall frequently, mistake or forget their medications, get lost, or forget to turn off the stove or oven, it’s time to

Why Good Nutrition Is So Important for Older Adults, and What It Might Mean When They Overlook Their Own Diet

By |May 7, 2024|Categories: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Senior Living|

As we grow older, the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients decreases and eating a balanced diet becomes even more essential. This is especially true for those who have chronic health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. Maintaining a good diet is increasingly important for seniors, but can be challenging for some. If you think your loved one isn’t able to prepare balanced meals like they used to, it may be time to consider other options.

Seniors and Personal Care: How to Help When Their Personal Appearance Is Neglected

By |April 6, 2024|Categories: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Senior Living|Tags: |

Growing older can hold many blessings for individuals and their families. But time can also bring challenges and it’s never easy to see those you love struggling with daily life. Your parents' love [...]

Isolation in Seniors and Why Socialization Is So Important for Their Overall Wellbeing

By |April 2, 2024|Categories: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Senior Living|Tags: |

Older adults may often find themselves alone – but it's usually not by choice. Whether it's due to mobility issues, health conditions, the loss of a spouse or not living near friends and [...]

Introverts and Senior Living: Why It’s a Surprisingly Good Fit

By |March 12, 2024|Categories: Assisted Living, Memory Care, Senior Living|Tags: |

When a helping hand is needed, older adults and their families often consider senior living. With its advantages, such as accessible private residences, assistance with daily tasks and a variety of services and [...]

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